



(California Bountiful)


California Bountiful's TV show and magazine introduce you to the food, products and people that comprise our state's rich and diverse agriculture.

你是否知道酪梨被稱為完美的水果,因為它們富含奶油味? 這是真的。 它擁有你無法再真正改善的完美,是嗎? 有一位聖地亞哥的企業家,他已將他的獨特理念付諸實踐!
Bella Vado梨油產品由在聖地亞哥北部的Cid da Silva家族配送至美國各地,該地區被稱為美國的酪梨之都。

Did you know that avocados have been called the perfect fruit for their rich, buttery flavor? It's true. And you can't really improve upon perfection, can you? Well, you can if you're an entrepreneur in San Diego who pressed his Unique idea into action!
Bella Vado avocado oil products are distributed nationally from Cid da Silva’s family business in northern San Diego County, a region known as the avocado capital of the United States.



(Green Goddess Goes to Market)

由公共電視製作的本集節目,獲得電視最高榮譽艾美獎的提名。Bella Vado很高興有機會成為Sather San Diego由Su-Mei主持 KPBS系列節目的一部分。這是一個有趣的一天,也是聖地亞哥社區學習Bella Vado和我們運營的更多方式的好方法。Bella Vado鱷梨香皂被列為Rebekah最喜歡的購物之一!  

通過跟踪鱷梨從種子到商店的過程和生活,品嚐聖地亞哥探索“綠色女神進入市場”。Su Mei Yu是這個充滿活力的節目的精彩主持人


(The Wall Street Journal.)



撰稿:Elizabeth G. Dunn

“You have to try this oil! It is one of the freshest and best tasting oils I’ve ever had. A blend of avocado and garlic oils the peppery and garlic notes are terrific. I could see using this on salads, for dipping bread, drizzling on vanilla ice cream and of course for cooking and sautéing.”

Written by: Elizabeth G. Dunn

菲爾食品評論(Phil's Food Review)

SuperMarket Guru - Bella Vado鱷梨油

我更喜歡原汁原味和檸檬風味,這種檸檬是在他的農場裡種植的芳香的尤里卡品種達席爾瓦。我喜歡用羽衣甘藍或瑞士甜菜,大蒜和鹽來折騰,然後烤綠色,直到它們變脆; 令人驚訝的是,檸檬味可以抵禦熱量。“ - 菲爾

I prefer the original and the lemon, which is made with the fragrant Eureka variety da Silva grows on his farm. I like to toss some with kale or Swiss chard, garlic, and salt, and roast the greens until they’re crisp; surprisingly, the lemon flavor withstands the heat.” – Phil

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